Logotel at UMANIA2021: design and creativity in the age of Artificial Experience

How to collaborate with artificial intelligences to create positive impact?

Artificial intelligences are opening up a revitalizing of opportunities that can transform our business. Yet change leaders can hardly be technologies and platforms alone. Instead we need a creative, design approach by which to collaborate with artificial intelligences without becoming subject to them. These assumptions can give rise to a reinvigoration of experiences that can generate positive impact for people, organizations and society. Such is the focus of the “open mind” talk by Logotel’s Chief Design Officer Cristina Favini, which will be delivered on February 3 at Umania 2021 – organized by the Iulm AI Lab. Here Umania’s three days converge into one of today’s most important national events on artificial intelligence applications in marketing and digital communication.

Are we all equipped, as organisations, to see reality through a new human + artificial lens?

That’s the key question Cristina will argue through concrete examples, including some food for thought as she recounts how a creative, design approach can make the difference when it comes to such a disruptive question as artificial intelligences.

“Artificial intelligences aren’t mere tools. Instead they’re agents that – independently – produce unexpected outputs which redesign experiences and relationships. As such, they necessitate understanding and interpretation from a multidisciplinary viewpoint since they act at the very basis of the business, changing our way of thinking, of producing, of coming into contact with customers.”

Therefore, AI cannot be faced with the usual schemes and today the designer is called to a continuous work of imagination and experimentation. Because it is not enough to stop at the potential: it is necessary to understand the risks, ask the sustainability and ethics of the design choices that involve the use of technologies such as deep learning or facial recognition. Here an increasingly multidisciplinary and inclusive vision is warranted – one that has new artificial agents participating jointly in our decisions, together with people and within ever-expanding communities.

How do we leverage the superpowers offered us by AI in a new way (and with what new responsibilities)?

On the second day at Umania, Logotel will take a hands-on approach in showing how to transform its viewpoint on artificial intelligences into action. In an interactive workshop conducted by Logotel Digital Innovation Officer Daniele Cerra we’ll be using our design toolkit, together with the participants, to jointly design a sustainable and ethically-acceptable AI powered experience that’s original, creative and effective.