PSA and Business Community An interview with François-Xavier Delvallée

How can the Business Communities provide daily support, inspiration and efficiency to the network in any situation?


For several years now, Logotel has supported the PSA Group through the deployment of digital platforms. Those Change Management tools called business communities are intended to improve the relationship between brands (Peugeot, Citroën, DS Automobiles and more recently Opel) and their networks in a context of digital transformation and changing consumption habits. An establishment within the group that the Covid-19 crisis has only strengthened.


For a holding company like PSA, the main challenge is to achieve fluid, rapid and structured communication between all stakeholders. For the group, the objective of setting up a digital communication tool is to daily support and accompany the network in the deployment and the achievement of its objectives.


A tool for The construction of a digital relationship between the brand and the network, including the entire hierarchical chain for an exchange of information accessible to all. A tool which has made it possible to revolutionize exchanges, in particular best practices, thanks to rapid and local communication Synergies deployed thanks to the expertise of different countriesand different brands to give meaning to information for teams as well as direct feedback from the field to managers.


In order to analyze the impact of these communities, we asked François-Xavier Delvallée, DSMO Sales, Marketing Activities & Skills, to tell us about these platforms and their roles in the PSA ecosystem. For him, the interest of such a tool is first of all its target:“We find here the two categories of actors; on the one hand, all the PSA people in charge of sales and marketing animation and, on the other hand, all the Dealers & Agents and their staff. […] Thus, we go from the Brand CEO to the car mechanic. This implies a clear, transparent vision and perfect coordination with all the players in Central. And the countries, foremost among which our CEOs, must keep a major role in the implementation and adaptation according to local specificities”.

the objectives of these communities “are multiple and we are discovering new ones every day, because they are greatly evolving. The community platform has features of speed, depth and transparency that drive efficiency: when you have to go fast, you should only do what is useful, all that is useful and nothing but what is useful ”. The business communities particularly revealed their potential during the Covid-19 crisis: “We were able to react almost instantaneously;. not that easy when you haven’t implemented the tool, to talk to 10,000 of our partners by deciding it one evening and to be in contact with them all at 1:00 p.m. the next day. Especially in a context where most of the employees were at home. We have to be efficient”.

“The CEO of PSA Italy was able to do a live with all the partners, Dealers & Agents and their staff the day after the announcement of the shutdown of the country by the President of the Italian Council Giuseppe Conte. France, Spain, the Netherlands, and the UK then followed as soon as the respective governments implemented restrictive measures. Then, in an orderly fashion, messages were sent to the attention of our Dealers and Agents partners by the Brand bosses and the teams in charge of the guidelines, by the World Sales and Marketing Director who explained to them how we (us and the networks) were going to maintain the relationship with our customers and continue to provide them with service and vehicles”. More than a channel for exchange, communities have demonstrated real added value during containment: “As a tool for Proximity and Reinsurance, platforms have been a real asset. They have made it possible to weld the Community, have been a beacon in this period of uncertainty, worry and anxiety”.


A total of 20 platforms developed for the 4 brands of the PSA Group in the G5. Over 500 articles published on PSA Business Communities during the crisis. 15 Livestreams carried out within limited deadlines. 1 new community launched during the containment period.