The Logotel approach to mobility’s challenges

On the occasion of European Mobility Week, Logotel’s research laboratory promotes care of the environment and of people

Mobility is changing, as is our way of experiencing the great transformations revolutionizing our use of cars and electricity. Such were the discussions that featured over European Mobility Week which, for 2020, dealt with “Zero emissions, mobility for all”.

In theory…

We at Logotel discuss these issues every day – also with our customers, whose sustainability challenges we accompany in our design of new experiences and by facilitating business through our communities. For over 15 years now we’ve been collaborating with major players in mobility and energy, supporting them in their transformation processes. It’s thanks to our experience and continued aim to keep raising awareness and inspiring them in the matter that we’ve activated our permanent Next Horizon Mobility research table, together with scholars, sociologists, economists and scientists. This affords us an opportunity to identify the forces currently transforming mobility – not only car manufacturers but all the actors playing a lead role in today’s new light, sustainable mobility.

… and in practice

In addition to theory, we at Logotel work on everyday behavior too. Among our collaborators, many travel by bicycle – driving that transformation which involves numerous European cities, such as Milan with its projects to change traffic, or Paris, with its goal to have everything accessible to citizens within 15 minutes. At Logotel we have a mantra: ‘Behave with Care’. It helps us make easier and facilitate all those sustainable attitudes that can make a difference within our spaces at via Ventura and in everyday life. To do this we’ve also set up collaborations and sharing points with experts who’ll give us their advice on how to move better and in a more sustainable way.