Logotel participates in TED Countdown with a regenerative viewpoint on sustainability

A new Digital Landscape to understand how we can make a largescale difference

We’ve arrived at 20! Sustainability is our twentieth Digital Landscape and, having reached this key point, we could hardly leave an issue of such crucial importance to Logotel unaddressed. Together with TEDxReggioEmilia, we began our participation in the TED COUNTDOWN initiative, which aims to transform ideas into actions with a view to promoting the debate around questions of sustainability. Our research table has been months at work – with this Digital Landscape opening the discussion to all Logotel collaborators, seeing more than 100 attendees connecting live and interacting from the very first minutes by sharing their ideas.

The Logotel approach to sustainability

We aim to form a new viewpoint that allows us to understand that we too, even as a single organization, can transform systems – generating a disruptive impact upon networks of life and design, not for the individual alone but for the community too. To do all this it’s essential we identify a scope of influence that allows our individual actions to cause discontinuity, starting from proximity and those with whom we enter into a relationship, including effects that are potentially disruptive at the large scale. Our approach aims to remain consistent with our business. This, to us, is the real challenge to sustainability, allowing us to overcome the risk of homogenization while creating actions that are entirely separate from the life of any organization. We wish to design a regenerative vision which goes beyond the circular economy, building a broader vision that builds care networks and rebalances the use of resources which have impact upon the ecosystem.

We must look beyond individualism, starting from the awareness that we’re part of an interconnected whole and that every action can either rip life’s webs apart or else reweave them. A reframing of the system is thus necessitated among all the players involved – with new perspectives, new meanings and new connections. It remains the responsibility of individual organizations to choose a sustainable point of view, thereby triggering the transformation process.