Get in Touch!

This year’s kickoff was somewhat different. A little more hybrid perhaps? Sure, but very, very human. Whether coming from home, or as attendees online, we’ve started to build a new contact alphabet together

We’re people, we work teams and we’re an organization. We wish to make a difference as well as to bring beauty and new viewpoints to face the unexpected. But to make that possible, to make a real impact upon and among us we need to meet and remain IN CONTACT, to BE THERE and to MAKE something new happen. What happens when reality ranging from 7 to 27 inches takes shape? When, within a dimension of digital proximity, do our senses lose their sensitivity? It’s like living in some glass reality which continues to exert an incredible force of attraction – only from behind some unbreakable wall. We remain distant, though connected in real time. We’re close, yet we feel impaired … and less human.

Planning nearness from a distance

We need to reconnect and decide to be there – planning our closeness, even from a distance. Finding ways to nurture the relationships between us as colleagues, with our partners and customers, with our area, with the valuable relationships we have in our life. The opportunity for contact must be sought, planned and completed. We need to feel EMPATHY once more. Reactivating it when two or more people meet transforms the world.

Our strength

GETTING IN TOUCH is one way of preserving the beauty of completely random discoveries and vital impulses – that Serendipity, which helps us enrich our vision of reality. Contact helps us strengthen our community, the Making Together which is our trademark. It helps us share and feel part of projects that advance positive transformation. GETTING IN TOUCH is our strength.

Kickoff! We’ve really worked out

Just so, aware more than ever of the creative force of CONTACT, we all connected for our annual Kickoff – some from Milan, many even physically-present, some from other cities in Italy or from Europe, Paris and Madrid. Together we thrashed it out and trained in the various contact dimensions: starting with us as people first, and all the things we’re crazy about, then broadening our range of influence outwards to train as team and as an organization. A new Contact alphabet arose which not only allowed us to better get to know each other and feel connected by empathy. We also had loads of fun with the new physical and digital tools we built together.